For a long time, Debra’s main goal in life was to work hard and earn money for her daughter Kayla, who got married young and had a son, along with her husband Austin, who spent his days lounging in front of the TV with a remote in one hand and a beer in the other.
But neither Kayla nor Austin ever noticed how Debra was becoming an ignored woman who never did anything for herself.
All she did was spend her cash on Kayla’s allowance and her husband’s needs.
Debra was taken for granted for way too long without even realizing it. Then one day, something happened that made her change her life.
While waiting for coffee at Starbucks, a group of teens started laughing at her, calling names like “old lady with nowhere to go” and “grumpy old nag.”
Feeling crushed, she grabbed her coffee and got into her car. She hardly recognized herself. She looked tired with gray hair creeping in and lines on her face that she didn’t remember getting.
Suddenly it struck her – all those years caring for others had hurt herself.
On the way home, she called Kayla to say not to expect any more financial help from now on. Kayla sounded shocked asking what went wrong. But Debra didn’t have the energy to argue; she simply said it was a choice she’d made and it was final.
When she got home, Austin looked confused. He seemed angry that she came back early instead of being at work like usual. But Debra didn’t care about his opinion anymore; she told him enough was enough and that she wanted div:orce.
It was finally time for both Kayla and Austin to take charge of their own lives.
The next day, Austin had no choice but to move out of the house.
Eventually Debra found a job that brought joy into her life! She began traveling & visiting places she’d never thought she’d see before! Life felt great! For the first time in years ,she felt happy with herself!