We can learn a lot from studying the rings inside trees. The science of tree-ring analysis is called dendrochronology, and examining these markings can provide information about the tree’s age, whether it had been through any fires, or if it had endured any insect outbreaks. A tree’s rings can also give significant insight into what kind of climate conditions the tree has lived through, and thus how the earth’s climate has changed over time [1]. Scientists have recently uncovered an ancient tree that lived during a time in Earth’s history when the magnetic field almost completely reversed [2].

Ngāwhā kauri
The ancient tree is an Agathis australis, but is more commonly known by its Māori name, kauri. It was found in Ngawha on New Zealand’s north island and was buried 26 feet under the ground. Measuring eight feet in diameter and 65 feet in length, the tree appears to have lived for 1,500 years, between 41 thousand and 42 500 years ago [2].”There’s nothing like this anywhere in the world,” said Alan Hogg, from New Zealand’s University of Waikato. “This Ngāwhā kauri is unique.” [3]