Are You Squatting Over the Toilet? Here’s Why You Might Want to Reconsider

When nature calls, finding a quick and discreet solution in a public restroom is essential. For many, squatting over the toilet seems like the best option. However, this seemingly harmless habit may not be as healthy as you think, especially as you age. Let’s dive deeper into why squatting can actually be problematic over time.

1. A Higher Risk for Urinary Tract Infections

Did you know that squatting over the toilet can tense your pelvic floor muscles by about 40%? This means that your bladder isn’t completely relaxed. As a result, when you stand up, some urine may be left inside, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. This increases your risk of urinary tract infections, which can be quite uncomfortable and bothersome.

2. The Sensation of Always Needing to Pee

Have you ever experienced that constant feeling of needing to pee? Squatting over the toilet can contribute to this sensation. When you sneeze, jump, laugh, or cough, the remaining urine in your bladder may accidentally leak due to the tension caused by squatting. Besides the embarrassment, it can make you feel like you constantly need to empty your bladder, disrupting your daily activities.

3. Weakening of the Bladder Over Time

Repeating the habit of squatting over the toilet can train your pelvic muscles not to relax fully. Consequently, this can lead to a weaker bladder as time goes on. Having a weakened bladder can make it harder for your bladder to contract and empty properly, causing potential issues with urinary flow.

4. The Benefits of a Full Squat

Instead of squatting only halfway, consider trying a full squat position. By sitting lower on the toilet, you allow for a deeper relaxation of the pelvic and bladder muscles. This full squat position can promote better bladder health. So, next time you find yourself in a public restroom, opt for a full squat and give your bladder the relaxation it needs.

Tell us in the comments: Do you squat when you use public restrooms? What other precautions do you take? Your insights are valuable!

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