Can You Find All the Ducks?

Are you ready to test your observation skills? Take a look at the picture below. At first glance, it may seem like there are only a few ducks, but there’s a twist!

If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the number of ducks in each row increases. It’s like a hidden puzzle waiting for you to crack it. Starting from left to right, the first row has 1 duck, followed by 2 ducks, and then another 2 ducks.

But it doesn’t stop there! In the second row, each duck is doubled. And in the third row, there’s a triple duck, followed by two single ducks. Phew! That’s a lot of math!

Okay, let’s break it down. If we add up all the ducks row by row, we get: 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1. And the total is… drumroll, please… 16 ducks!

Impressive, isn’t it? Did you manage to find all of them? If you did, give yourself a pat on the back. If not, don’t worry, it’s all in good fun! Challenge your friends with this tricky puzzle and see who can find all the ducks. Happy duck spotting!

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