A salesman was trying to talk a farmer

A salesman was trying to talk a farmer into buying a bicycle, but was meeting with considerable sales resistance.

“Shucks, I’d sooner spend my money on a cow,” said the farmer.

“Ah,” replied the salesman, “but think how silly you’d look riding around on a cow.”

“Humph!” retorted the farmer.

“Not near as silly as I’d look trying to milk a bicycle!”

The teacher put a question to the class:

“What does a cat have that no other animal

A number cried in unison:


But an objector raised the point that bears and skunks have fur. One pupil raised an eager hand:

“I know, teacher–whiskers!”

But another objector laughed scornfully.

“Haw-haw! My papa has whiskers!”

The suggester of whiskers defended her idea by declaring:

“My papa ain’t got whiskers.”

“‘Cause he can’t!” the objector sneered. “Haw-haw! Your pa ain’t no good. My pa says—-“

The teacher rapped for order and repeated her question.

A little Johnny raised his hand, and at the teacher’s nod spoke timidly.


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