Aunt Jemima’s Brand Hits Trouble with New Name Change!

Note: we are republishing this story,​ which originally made the news in February 2021.

Aunt Jemima’s new title, ⁣Pearl Milling Company, ⁢has received criticism online from users​ who think it sounds ‍more like “gravel ​mining company” or “a James ⁣Bond villain.”

Twitter users ‌quickly expressed⁤ their thoughts on the issue, with some ‍saying​ they might switch to⁤ competitors ⁢like Mrs. Butterworth’s or ​Log Cabin due to the new name.

“I think it​ sounds like a ‌gravel mining company,” one user said.

Photo Credit: New York Post

Another person ‌mentioned ⁣that Pearl Milling Company sounded like “something owned by a ⁣James⁣ Bond Villain.”

Someone else wrote: “Pearl Milling⁤ Company? Sounds ​like a generic store brand for Dollar General.”

Many users ​stated they would ​completely boycott the brand.

Photo⁢ Credit: New York ⁤Post

“Sadly ‌I wouldn’t even recognize it ‌and ⁢will probably go to ‍Log Cabin,” ⁤one user ‌commented.

“They really ⁢changed Aunt Jemima ⁣syrup to Pearl ‍Milling Company?! Like couldn’t they come up with something better ​than‍ that?! I’m sticking with ⁢Mrs. Butterworth’s ⁣from now on bc she is⁣ thicc and rich; ⁤also doesn’t ‌have‍ a silly name,” another person added.

The Aunt Jemima brand announced its⁢ name change ⁣after facing strong backlash for using a “racial stereotype” as its syrup mascot.

The logo‌ was based ​on the ​old-timey “mammy” minstrel character – a black⁢ woman happy to serve her white masters.

Pearl Milling Company refers to the small Missouri mill⁢ that created pancake mix – later called Aunt Jemima – back in 1889.

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