Bratty Kid Kicks Their Airplane Seat So He Teaches His Family A Lesson

Flying is one of the most convenient ways to travel but it is not always without problems. There are going to be times when the flight doesn’t go as expected but, once it starts, you have no choice but to stay the course.

One of the problems we may experience is for a child to be unruly on a flight. This could be an older child or a screaming baby but when they are affecting you personally, you want to get a little peace and quiet.

That is what we have for you in this story, which was posted on Reddit. There was a boy on a flight that wouldn’t stop kicking the chair in front of him but his family was about to get taught a lesson.
Obligatory: sorry for formatting I’m on mobile

This was a few years ago, when my dad and I(14f) were on a flight back home from India. Behind us there was a family of three, with their son behind me, and the mum behind my dad.

It was a night time flight and everyone was beat. It was also a small, budget-airlines with not much leg room. About 10 minutes into the flight, the kid behind me starts kicking my seat. To be clear, he wasn’t very little, maybe 9 or 10. I let my dad know and he politely asks him to stop, and he does…..for about 10 seconds. We tell him again ( more firmly this time), but no luck.

This is where the revenge starts. My dad reclines his seat as much as he can and when they ask him to put it up he doesn’t. They call the flight attendant(FA) and the jerk dad (JD) talks to him.

JD: this man put his seat down, and my wife is uncomfortable.

FA (while talking to my dad): would you like to keep it down?

My dad: yes please

FA: well then, he can if he wants to. That’s not his problem. Have a nice flight

He walks away with the dad left spluttering and cursing under his breath.

Fun times!

Edit: sorry, I didn’t give proper closure disappointing a lot of you. The parents realised what happened and after a few harsh whispers, got the kid to stop kicking. But that didn’t stop them from glaring at both me, my dad and the flight attendant that walked by. My dad did keep the seat down for another hour, but got up once he was sure those parents learnt their lesson.

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