California Mom Sparks Controversy by Leashing Her Daughter’s Wrist While Shopping

Alexis Solis, a mom from Los Banos, California, shared a video‍ of her putting her daughter‌ on a leash while shopping. ⁢The clip​ got ‌over 12​ million‌ views and sparked ⁣many​ negative comments, but ⁣Solis said she did it for safety ‍reasons.

As a stay-at-home mom and former behavioral therapist, Solis is raising awareness about ⁢child safety. She has two daughters ​and believes that using a toddler leash can be helpful. However, not everyone agrees with her approach.

In the TikTok video, she asked her‍ child to hold out her hand⁤ so she could⁤ attach the ⁢leash in the grocery store. Many viewers were shocked by what they ‌saw.

Solis defended herself by saying‌ that the leash was meant to keep ‌kids safe.​ One commenter angrily⁣ wrote, “I ⁢hope they leash her when she’s ⁢50,” while others called⁢ it “dumb.” Another⁢ person said they ​hated those⁣ leashes.

Despite the backlash, Solis⁤ wanted ‌to ⁤explain why she supports this tool. She stated that she’s not ashamed of wanting to protect her children: “I’m tired of how things are in‌ this⁤ world but never⁢ tired of keeping my girls safe,” she stressed.

Why Does⁤ She Believe In Using A Toddler Leash?
Solis mentioned that leashes can be lifesavers for kids who tend to ‌run away in public places. In response ​to critics, she talked about ⁣how as a therapist she’d⁤ seen children with ​autism often wander off or ⁤”elope.” This can be scary⁤ for both kids and‍ parents; thus having something like a toddler leash⁢ helps keep them calm.

She wished ‍she’d had access to⁢ these leashes during her‌ therapy ⁢days because it would have made life easier for many parents.​ For Solis personally,‍ it’s also about protecting against dangers like kidnapping.

The concerned mother asked people not to judge without understanding different situations families face. Regarding worries about how⁢ her⁢ kids feel about wearing the leash, Solis assured everyone that they were fine with it and only used it when out‍ in public spaces.

Her strong desire for safety ‌comes from‍ past‍ trauma; as a child herself, Solis experienced sexual assault which made her more aware of surroundings once she became a parent.

While some⁣ disagreed with using leashes ⁤on toddlers, other ⁢parents ⁤understood where she’s coming from. Initially skeptical himself at first was Alexis’s husband; however after having their own children he recognized its importance too and now ignores ​any stares they get ⁣while out together!

One psychologist suggested there⁣ are ‌other methods‍ for helping kids⁣ learn self-control instead of using leashes but acknowledged adult supervision is key over ​just relying on equipment alone! For those worried their ⁢little⁤ ones might run off though—strapping them into​ strollers or backpacks could work better depending on ​each family’s needs!​

Another expert warned ‌that using such tools might hurt children’s self-esteem due mainly due dragging or pulling actions‍ happening publicly!

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