Can You Spot the Big Dog Sneaking Around in This Kitchen

There’s something really interesting about how optical illusions and other confusing images can almost mess with your mind.

You can find ​tons of these kinds of pictures online and in old books — but this one is from real ​life.

In this⁣ image, there’s an “invisible” creature, but it’s​ not a sneaky thief or anything…

It’s actually⁤ a dog that everyone‍ is trying to ‌spot.

Even those who are great⁣ at⁤ solving optical tricks are puzzled by this tricky pic…

Can⁢ you find the big​ dog hiding right in‍ front of you? Check out the picture below!

(Don’t stress⁢ if you don’t see it immediately. We’ll help you figure it ⁣out step by ​step…)

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According to 7 News Perth, a lady ​named Christina Suvo first posted the photo.

Christina said there was ‍a dog‌ hidden in the image.

But many people were doubtful.⁣ It‌ doesn’t seem like there are any living things in the picture. But ‌believe me, there’s a dog ‍hiding!

Do you see where he is?

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Here’s the complete ​view of the kitchen. Can ⁣you spot the dog now?

If ‌you‌ cann’t find him, don’t worry! We didn’t ‌notice him at first⁣ either.

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Let’s solve this like ‌people‍ usually⁣ do with optical illusions: we’ll divide up the image into sections.

Start with one section at ⁣a time, beginning from the top left corner.

Have you found that pup yet? Here’s a hint: he’s located in box ‌four.

Still can’t see him? Remember you’re looking for a‌ dog down in the lower right part of ⁣thе picture…

To ​discover⁤ exactly ⁤where he ‌is ‌hiding, click on thе image⁣ below!

It might still be tough to spot him; however, maybe you’ll notice⁣ how ⁣his lighter-colored belly stands out against ​thе dark carpet.

The arrows above point to thе​ dog’s eyes ears and ⁤belly.

Yes it’s still hard⁣ to make out that black pup on thе ⁢black rug but he’s definitely present!

The lighter shade of his ⁢tummy and pink⁢ inside his ears are actually pretty clear.

If you’re still having difficulty spotting that pooch he’s ‍easier to see up⁣ above since‍ he’s been highlighted⁣ now!

You should clearly see his face ‍now; he has long nose big cute eyes and‌ looks like one ⁢ear’s flipped inside ⁤out too!

This‌ dog’s an adult‌ black Labrador which usually‍ weighs between sixty-five seventy-five pounds (30-35 kilos), so it’s quite amazing such large animal‌ could⁢ hide so well!

Did ya catch sight of that pup on⁣ your first try?

If you’ve got friends who enjoy optical tricks or fun ⁢Where’s Waldo-type images please share this article with them on‍ Facebook!

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