Expert reveals cause of tough toilet stains and their removal

Maintaining hygiene is not just for your body but also for your home. You need to regularly clean in order to ensure that things do not go stale and instead stay fresh!

If you are someone who enjoys a good cleaning hack and knowledge on how stains occur to better avoid them, then this is the right article. We have some insightful information that will be helpful to you.

If your toilet bowl is afflicted with tough stains, then keep on reading!

While every human being prefers a clean and safe environment to live in, sometimes maintaining a clean home can become incredibly tough. Sometimes, toilets get stains, which become increasingly difficult and frustrating to remove.

This is where YouTuber Pape Joe comes into the rescue. His YouTube channel Papa Joe Knows helps people find practical solutions for their home and its maintenance.

These toilet marks are usually caused by mold. The design of toilets makes it possible for mold to appear and keep showing up. The happens because when you flush the toilet, an internal cavity fills up with water. There are tiny jets in the area of the bowl where water exists.

The problem begins when the mold that is inside the cavity is pushed out from the jets when you flush.

The solution is simple: lift the lid of the toilet tank and you will spot a cylinder with a tiny water hose that fills after you flush it. All you need to do is pour some distilled vinegar into that cylinder. This cleaning hack is a game changer.

Vinegar is a great natural killer for mold. It is also budget-friendly, and you most likely already have some in your pantry.

The vinegar will circulate though the internal cavity and help clean the mold from there. After an hour, the mold will begin to break down naturally. At this point, we recommend you give your toilet bowl a quick scrub, and hopefully, the mold will not return again.

If you make this cleaning hack into a habit and add vinegar to your tank every once in a while, you should be fine!

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