Farmer finds giant egg but what was inside was even more puzzling

A farmer in Australia got the shock of his life when he went to collect the daily delivery of eggs from his hens.

One of his hens had laid a giant egg, three times the size of a normal egg and weighing 6.2 ounces.

The babushka egg was laid by a free-range chicken at the Stockman’s Eggs on the Atherton Tablelands, in north Queensland.

Scott Stockman, who runs the business, posted a photo of the incredible discovery he and his staff made at the farm.

Seeing it next to an average-sized egg it looks so unusual but perhaps what was more unusual was what they found after they cracked the egg.

One of our Free Range Girls has been working overtime. Check out this whopper! The average egg weighs around 58gms and this beauty came in at 176gms!!!

Posted by Stockman’s Eggs on Sunday, March 4, 2018

Inside the egg was another egg, perfectly formed.

“It’s just incredible actually —to have two perfectly formed eggs together,” Scott told ABC News Australia.

An expert from Charles Sturt University’s veterinary sciences school said he had never seen anything like it before.

One of our Free Range Girls has been working overtime. Check out this whopper! The average egg weighs around 58gms and this beauty came in at 176gms!!!

Posted by Stockman’s Eggs on Sunday, March 4, 2018

Associate Professor Raf Freire says the hen must have produced an egg as normal but for some reason didn’t lay it.

“Then the next day, rather than that egg being laid, like it usually is, what’s happened is that there’s been another ovum released,” he told ABC News.

“That’s come down and then the chicken has somehow decided to make its shell around both the previous day’s egg and the new ovum that’s come down.”

Posted by Stockman’s Eggs on Sunday, March 4, 2018

According to the experts the egg would have been safe to eat but Scott told ABC News that they get 50,000 eggs a day so “didn’t bother eating it.”

Pretty amazing, right? Share this story with your friends on Facebook if you found it incredible too!

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