Hold On to Those Silica Gel Packets! They Could Save You Big Bucks

Those small packets ‍of desiccant ​that come ⁤with ⁢your new shoes or vitamins have lots of uses at‌ home. Wherever moisture is a problem,⁣ silica gel packs can help fix it. Store⁢ them in a sealed container away from pets and kids (they can be a choking risk) and use them⁤ in these situations.

In the Kitchen

  • Prevent vitamins from⁣ getting ruined by moisture. (It’s smart to keep those silica packs that are inside vitamin bottles; save them after the vitamins ⁢are gone.)
  • Keep ‍dry food and pet food ‍fresh ​and crunchy by taping a silica gel pack to‍ the lid of your storage ​container.

In the Closet

  • Place some silica gel packs at the bottom of your laundry basket to soak up moisture from clothes or wet towels.
  • A silica gel pack⁢ will help dry out soggy‍ shoes or⁣ boots.

Around Your Home

    • Cut down⁢ on condensation on windows by​ placing a silica gel pack on‍ the ⁤window sill. (Don’t forget to keep them away from ⁣kids and pets)
    • If you have a non-waterproof phone, put it in a sealed bag with‍ some silica gel packs ⁢to help dry it out.
    • Protect important papers and photos from ⁢dampness by ‌putting a silica gel pack inside their box or file cabinet.
    • If you have boxes full of memories — like old documents, pictures, or⁤ notebooks — store some⁤ silica gel packs in there too to absorb moisture.
    • Add some with⁤ your‍ tools so they don’t get rusty.
    • Put some in ⁤your medicine cabinet ⁣if you store medication there; they will help ‍lower humidity levels.
    • Keeps razors safe from rust by keeping ​them ⁢in an airtight container with one ⁣of those packets!
    • Placing‍ several‌ packets​ between your dashboard & windshield while ‌driving helps reduce fogging.

When You Go On A Trip

Keep luggage dry while stored by adding one packet into⁤ each ⁤suitcase.

If you can’t dry off‌ your swimsuit before packing, toss several ⁣packets into a Ziploc​ bag.

Bonus ‌Tip: To “reactivate” saturated silica gels, place them on an‌ oven-safe sheet ⁣at about two hundred degrees for two hours away from direct heat.

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