Little Johnny Faces the Boss’s Fiery Outburst!

Boss:⁤ *Yelling* “Johnny, get to my office immediately!”

Johnny: “Right away,‌ sir!”

Boss: “I noticed you were in a dispute with the customer who just left. I’ve⁢ made it clear that‌ the customer is always right. Do you comprehend what ⁢I’m saying?”

Johnny: “Absolutely, sir! The customer is always ⁤right.”

Boss: “Then what‌ was the disagreement ‍about?”

Johnny: “He called my boss an idiot and said he⁣ was foolish, sir!”

Boss: “That ⁣rascal! What​ did you respond⁣ to ⁤him?”

Johnny: “I told him he had a point.”

A Teacher Discusses Biology with Her Class.

In a ‌classroom filled with eager third graders, a teacher ​is sharing insights about biology. She mentions that humans are unique among animals for their ability to stutter.

From the back of the room, a young girl raises her hand enthusiastically‌ and ‍interjects,

“Actually ma’am, I once had a cat that stuttered!”

Recognizing the value⁢ of such anecdotes, the teacher encourages her to elaborate.

The‍ girl​ stands up confidently and⁤ recounts,

“We ⁤owned this large tabby ⁣cat who loved teasing our neighbor’s Rottweiler. One⁣ day that Rottweiler managed to escape and jumped over ​our fence.” ⁣ The story continues as she explains,

“My cat started saying fff, fff, fff; but before she⁣ could finish her sentence with⁢ ‘bang,’‌ the Rottweiler gobbled her up.”

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