Mom Sells Stroller to Feed 4 Kids, Gets It Back with a Note the Next Day

Anne Sargent was on her⁤ kitchen floor, tears streaming down her face.‌ It was late⁣ at night, the only moment she could ‌let out her sadness — when ​her three kids were asleep upstairs.

Feeling the baby move inside her, Anne gently placed a hand on her belly. “I’m sorry,” she murmured ‍to the child⁣ not yet ‍born. “I’m trying⁣ my hardest,⁤ but it’s just not enough…”

Only two months earlier, Anne had been a truly ​joyful wife and mother, eagerly awaiting the arrival ⁤of her‌ fourth child and‍ feeling secure in both her life and husband’s affection. ‌That ⁢woman seemed lost now.

Anne was expecting ⁤her‍ fourth child when Derek left.| Source: Unsplash

Anne ⁢was expecting her fourth child when Derek left.| Source: ‌Unsplash

One night Derek came home and announced he was leaving without any⁤ warning. “But why?” Anne questioned.⁣ “I thought we were happy!”

“YOU⁢ were happy!” Derek shouted back. “YOU! Not me!‌ All you did was have kids‍ and take care of them; ⁣now there’s⁢ another ‌one coming!”

“But you wanted children!” ⁣Anne ‌argued ⁢back.⁢ “You ⁣seemed happy every ⁤time I got pregnant…”⁤

“Happy?” yelled‌ Derek furiously.‍ “Happy that you gave all your ⁣love to our kids? To you I was ⁢just a paycheck! Well that’s ‍done with!”

So​ three months after ⁣announcing she would have another baby, Derek vanished ⁣from​ their lives ​completely.. Immediately after he left⁤ , Anne ⁤found herself a part-time job at a nearby grocery store.

 The owner would’ve offered full-time work but for that she’d need to pay⁤ for someone to watch over the boys ⁢which would ⁤eat up most of what she earned⁣ so she‌ carefully managed what little money she had . ⁢Even‍ with some support from derek it still wasn’t enough .

To make ends meet , anne started selling some old china passed down⁢ from grandma which helped cover bills for‌ several months . Then there ‌went an⁤ old silver brush-and-mirror set she’d kept ‍since ​childhood which paid‌ for food . Little by little as time passed &her belly grew bigger , anne⁤ sold off‍ precious items just to keep everyone fed &safe .

Eventually there wasn’t anything valuable left except ⁤junk around the house ⁢. She glanced at an ancient stroller she’d pulled up from storage.. It belonged⁤ to Her as a baby &had been⁢ used by each‍ kid afterwards‌ too ; ⁢though very​ old probably dating‌ back decades it remained in great shape still ‍!

Anne was devastated by Derek's attitude. | Source: Unsplash

Anne‍ felt heartbroken by how derek acted | Source : Unsplash.

Running fingers along roses painted onto⁣ its side made tears well up‌ again ; needing this ‌stroller for new baby but needing cash even more than that…She thought about getting good price‌ selling it⁣ at flea market since vintage stuff always sells well… So off went stroller ⁤where dealer offered ​$50 not much really but every bit counts ​!

Annes ‌walked away knowing she’d likely never see ​stroller again‍ until two⁣ days later opening⁤ front door revealed surprise -the same stroller sat waiting on porch!

A note⁣ inside read :”Please call me.” Followed by phone ⁣number;⁤ curious anne dialed number where woman answered.

“Hello?” said annes,”Did u leave my stroller? How did u know who‌ owned it?”

“Derek told me,” replied voice on other ⁣end.”I’m ⁣Grace Robbs; we ⁣should meet.”

An hour⁤ later grace sat sipping tea while ‍looking unhappy; ⁤younger than annes maybe six⁣ or seven years with blotchy skin‌ showing signs of crying recently…

“How do u know‍ derek?” asked annes even‌ tho deep⁤ down already knew answer…

“I ‍was his girlfriend,” Grace mentioned.

“Was?” Anne questioned. ⁤“You two broke ⁣up?”

What Anne earned just wasn't enough.‍ | Source: ⁤Unsplash

What Anne ⁢earned just wasn’t enough. | Source: Unsplash

“Today, actually,” Grace said and began to cry. “I didn’t know…I had no ⁣idea about you or the kids, or the ⁣baby… I found out I was expecting, and I didn’t know how to tell him…”

“So I went⁤ to​ a flea market with ‌a friend and saw this cute stroller‍ and bought it. I placed it in ‍the middle of the living room and tied ‌balloons‌ to⁣ it⁤ with a note:⁣ ‘Hello Dad!’”

“But he wasn’t excited like⁢ I thought he’d be. He started ⁤yelling and asking ‍where II got that stroller and if his ⁢dumb wife​ had given ⁣it to me.⁢ He wondered if it was some kind of joke.”

“He told me to return it right away, that he didn’t ⁢want anything to do⁤ with ‌your baby. So I said:⁤ ‘It’s for OUR baby.’ And ‍that’s when⁢ he lost ⁤it.”

“He accused me of trying to trap him,‍ saying he already had three kids with you and one more on the way, so ‍he​ didn’t want my ⁣child at all! He told me to leave and go⁤ back ‍to you.”

“He said:​ ‘Might as⁣ well have all the breeding cows under one roof.’⁢ I’m‍ really sorry; I didn’t know about you! Guess I didn’t know him ⁤at all!”

Anne stood⁢ up & wrapped her arm around the crying girl. “It’s ‌okay! ⁣It will‌ be alright; you’ll ⁤see.”

‍”He’s kicked me out,” Grace whispered ⁤softly.”I have no family ⁣here & nowhere else… I’ve got a job but rents are so high in this‌ city; living alone is impossible & who would want a pregnant roommate?”

“I will!” Anne replied ⁢strongly.”I need someone because what I’m‍ making isn’t enough & can’t work full-time⁢ since babysitting after school is too expensive.”

“But…” Grace’s‌ face brightened up.”I work online! After school care for kids is easy for me.I love children!”


“So can⁤ i take‍ on ⁢full-time work?” asked Anne happily.”The grocery store owner wants ME TO ⁣manage things for him.With your help,I can do⁣ this!And don’t worry about stuff ⁣for your baby.After having three‌ kids,I’ve got plenty!”

Grace smiled through her tears.“And we have that stroller too…” she pointed out.“Are you sure? It’s‍ Derek’s⁢ kid…”

‍“No,” Anne shook⁢ her head.“It’s YOUR child,and my children’s ‍sibling—that’s what matters most.”

The two women began their new​ life together,and when Anne gave birth,Grace was there.When four months later,it ‍was Graces turn.Anne ⁤held her hand.They became like‍ family raising five children ⁣together.

‍As for Derek—he faced ‌many⁢ failed relationships ⁣before finally showing up ‍at Annes door.He looked shocked seeing ‍grace there asking if they could talk.Anne asked,“What do ​you want,Derek?”

“I miss ​YOU babe…”Derek replied.

Anne stared long then said,“Sorry—not interested!” And she shut the door⁣ in his face.

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