Put a sock on the air conditioner

A closed room with the air conditioner on all the time will be extremely stuffy and stuffy every time you enter, which will make many people unhappy. However, with the little tip below, it will help your family solve many common problems in closed rooms. Let’s try it!

First, prepare a thin sock and a clean dishwashing sponge.

Pour a few drops of essential oil and bathroom deodorant onto the dishwashing sponge. Then, put this dishwashing sponge in a thin sock.

Place this sock on the air conditioner vent. When turned on, the scent of essential oil will make the air more pleasant. In addition, it also helps repel mosquitoes and insects effectively.

Some tips for using air conditioners to be both cool and save electricity

1. Use air conditioners in combination with electric fans

Combining air conditioners with ceiling fans or pedestal fans makes us feel like we are consuming twice as much electricity. However, this is a simple measure to help the room cool quickly and save electricity.

When you first turn on the air conditioner, turn on the fan to help the air in the room circulate better, making the cold air spread more evenly. Just turn on the fan for about 15-20 minutes when you first turn on the air conditioner. After that, you can turn off the fan. Because when the air in the room is cold enough, turning on the fan is no longer effective and also wastes electricity.

2. Use insulation materials for the room

During the use of the air conditioner, you need to make sure the room is kept closed, without gaps that let cold air leak out.

In addition, a room with good insulation will also be cooler. A simple method is to use a cool metal roof to insulate the ceiling. These materials help to diffuse sunlight directly onto the ceiling, thereby limiting the impact of the outside temperature on the inside of the room.

In addition, white ceilings, white walls or light-colored objects will help insulate better than dark colors because dark colors absorb heat.

3. Install the hot block correctly

The hot block is usually installed outdoors. You need to note that this part is very important so it must be installed in the right position. The air conditioner hot block should be installed in places with little direct sunlight, to minimize the sun’s temperature from heating the hot block and the air flow cooled by the compressor will be cooled faster and better.

The hot block should be installed at least 30cm from the wall. If the hot block is mounted close to the wall, the heat emitted from the hot block will heat the wall in the room as well as make the hot block unable to radiate heat and operate less effectively.

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