Brother Wants to Adopt His Little Sister After Dad’s Go, Finds Out His Wife Is against It

Sudden Loss and Unwanted Responsibility The post reveals a man’s dilemma after his father’s sudden death, leaving his younger sister without care.

Struggle Between Husband and Wife The man, married for two years, faces a conflict with his wife over deciding to care for his younger sister or not.

Quote: “My wife and I decided that we did not want kids.”

: Unwelcome Decision The wife strongly opposes taking in the sister, as she doesn’t want children, leading to a tense situation.

Quote: “She said you really are choosing your sister over me.”

Final Decision Despite dissatisfaction, the man decides to prioritize his sister, leading to a silent rift with his wife.

Quote: “Caring for my sister is my current priority.”

Public Opinions Vary Readers’ opinions on the situation vary, with some supporting the man’s choice, while others empathize with the wife’s concerns about unwanted responsibility.

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