This touching 9/11 Budweiser commercial paying tribute to our nation only aired once

Although it has been 19 years since America was a target of the terrorist attack that took place on September 11 in which around 3.000 people lost their life, we still remember it like it was yesterday.

9/11 stands for sorrow and grief, but it also shows the patriotism of our citizens. On that day, everyone stood together against those who harmed the country and its people. The whole world was mourning the lost lives and people from every corner of the Earth empathized with the Americans.

In those tough times, the American brand Budweiser aired a commercial that touched the hearts of many. It’s so emotional, it makes even the toughest people cry.

The commercial features the company’s signature horses, the Clydesdales, who are shown making their way through New York City. As they pass the Statue of Liberty and cross the Brooklyn Bridge, they stop at the park and gaze at the skyline.

Finally, they get to the spot where once the Twin Towers stood and bow their heads in respect.

The message they spread is ‘never forget and don’t ever let that happen again.’

The commercial only aired again on the 10th anniversary of the attack. “We feel our 9/11 Clydesdales tribute ad is very special,” Paul Chibe, VP-marketing at Anheuser-Busch, said in a statement. “We were proud to re-air the spot on Sunday, the 10th anniversary, as a way to help raise awareness of the fundraising campaign for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. The subtle changes in the ad were intended to reflect the passing of time, and the most important point, that we should never forget those lost and affected by 9/11.”


Take a look at the emotional advertisement below. Touching, indeed!


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